Thursday, August 17, 2006

quick bites

  • Better a tax and spend Democrat than a spend and spend and spend Republican.
  • How can the United Nations function as a police force, when the world's biggest criminals sit on its Board of Directors?
  • Whoever you vote for, the lobbyists win.
  • You can't pass laws to make people good.
  • If the planet has a future, it is a vegetarian future. A meat eating planet has no future.
  • Native Americans tried to end illegal immigration too.
  • Intelligent Design. It's not even a theory. If we are the product of intelligent design, how come men have nipples?
  • If they really trusted in God, they wouldn't have a military.
  • If God had meant us to rely on faith, he wouldn't have given us brains.
  • My message to America on September 11, 2001.....Get over it! We need to move on.